martes, 19 de mayo de 2020

Actividad 8

Choose the correct answer 

1. get away

After robbing the bank, the thieves got away and spent the next few days

 a. locked up in jail

 b. at the police station

 c. on the run from the police

2.get back (1)

What time does Maria usually get back

 a. dinner?

 b. work?

 c. home?

3.get off (2)

Sam usually gets the day off when

 a. he gets to work

 b. he's finished work

 c. his kid is sick

4.  get together

Lee and Kelly usually get together after work and

 a. exchange emails

 b. chat on the phone

 c. go out for a drink

5. get up (2)

In many courts of law, people show their respect by getting up when

 a. the defendant enters

 b. the lawyers enter

 c. the judge enters

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