miércoles, 27 de mayo de 2020

Phrasal verbs look grado 8

More examples ↓↓↓

Go to this website and complete the  sentences   https://www.englisch-hilfen.de/en/exercises/structures/phrasal_verbs_look.htm
  1. Henry looked  the magazine quickly.
  2. Look ! There's a bus coming! It is going to hit you!
  3. Did the doctor look  your leg?
  4. She looked  from her book when she heard the noise.
  5. We were looking  the shops when we were in Ashville.
  6. They are looking  meeting their friends.
  7. How do you feel when you look  your childhood?
  8. John has to look  his younger brother.
  9. Our boss looks  some people in his firm.
  10. I look  on my child every now and then.

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