miércoles, 10 de junio de 2020

Comparative adjetives as... as and than grado 8

As... As


Ben Nevis is   Mont Blanc. (not/high)


Ben Nevis is not as high as Mont Blanc.


  1. The blue car is  the red car. (fast)
  2. Peter is  Fred. (not/tall)
  3. The violin is  the cello. (not/low)
  4. This copy is  the other one. (bad)
  5. Oliver is  Peter. (optimistic)
  6. Today it's  yesterday. (not/windy)
  7. The tomato soup was  the mushroom soup. (delicious)
  8. Grapefruit juice is  lemonade. (not/sweet)
  9. Nick is  Kevin. (brave)
  10. Silver is  gold. (not/heavy)


Dan is   than Ben. (young)


Dan is younger than Ben.


  1. Nick is  than Chris. (tall)
  2. This smartphone is  than that one. (cheap)
  3. Kitesurfing is  than hiking. (dangerous)
  4. November is  than July in Europe. (cold)
  5. She always arrives  than her teacher. (late)
  6. Tomorrow will be  than today. (sunny)
  7. Peggy is  than Vanessa. (careful)
  8. These headphones are  than my old ones. (bad)
  9. Jack's car is  than mine. (fast)
  10. He's  than his brother. (intelligent)

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