martes, 9 de junio de 2020

Time clauses grado 10


. 1. You will not be hungry  you eat. (after - before)

2.  the sun set, the shadows lengthened. (After - As)

3. Every night,  brushing my teeth, I go to bed. (after - before)

4.  the girl fell asleep, she had a strange dream. (After- Before)

5.  I was building a fire, smoke kept getting in my eyes. (As - Before)

6. I want to graduate from high school  possible. (after - as soon as)

7. he started the car, the engine made a strange sound. (As - Before)

8. You have to pack your suitcase  you go to the airport. (after - before)

9. Just  I was picking up my glasses, they fell out of my hand. (as - before)

10. I get my driver's license, I'm going to drive to your house. (As soon as - Before)

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