miércoles, 28 de octubre de 2020


1. go to this website and practice the conversation https://learnenglishteens.britishcouncil.org/skills/listening/beginner-a1-listening/study-tips


Ben: You always get good marks at school. You’re lucky! I study but I don’t always get good marks.
Katy: I’m not lucky! I know how to study. I always do three things. Do you want to know them?
Ben: Yeah, please!
Katy: OK, number one. Always study in a quiet place.
Ben: I usually study in my bedroom. It’s very quiet.
Katy: Number two. Have a clear desk!
Ben: Right. A clear desk. My desk isn’t clear. There are lots of papers and books and pens on it.
Katy: Well, that isn’t very good!
Ben: What’s tip number three?
Katy: Have lots of breaks. I always study for thirty minutes. Then I have a break for five minutes. I move my arms and legs and drink some water. Then I study again for thirty minutes.
Ben: I never have a break. I sometimes study for two or three hours. 
Katy: That isn’t a good idea! It’s important to get up and move your body. 
Ben: OK. Thanks. Next time I think I can get good marks!

2. practice the present continuous grammar using this game https://www.eslgamesplus.com/present-progressive-continuous-esl-grammar-fun-game-online/

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