jueves, 15 de octubre de 2020


Non-defining relative clauses practice


The Tunguska Event

It occurred on June 30, 1908.

It was a powerful explosion in Siberia.

It is believed to have been caused by a meteorite.

The London Underground

It is popularly known as 'the Tube'.

It serves 270 stations and comprises over 400km of track.

The Suez Canal

It was opened in 1869.

It is 192 kilometers long.

It links the Mediterranean with the Red Sea.

The Taj Mahal

It was completed around 1653.

It was built as a mausoleum for his favourite wife by the Mughal Emperor Shah Jahan.

The Vatican City

It has a population of around 900.

It is the smallest state in the world.

The Berlin Wall

It was started in 1961.

It was a symbol of the Cold War.


  • please choose 2 places and make a description using the relative clause using wich and where.

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